Dedré butterfly shoot…
“This woman –
has fought a thousand battles, and is still standing;
has cried a thousand tears, and is still smiling;
has been broken, betrayed, rejected, but she still walks proud… laughs loud, lives without fear, loves without doubt.
This woman – is Beautiful!
This woman – is Humble!”
Hierdie boodskap is vir al die vrouens en moeders daar buite! Jy is pragtig en sterk en jy is jy! Moet dit nooit vergeet nie. Glo in jouself en wees lief vir jouself!
Beauty comes from within!!
Dedré Reichel, baie dankie dat jy bereid was om hierdie sessie saam met my aan te pak! You rocked it!
Makeup – Rozette Botha
Dress – Omenté Photography